Saturday, June 27, 2009

Being married

Doing stuff reveals the truth about knowing stuff. I am married and this makes me realize over and over again how much I don't "know" about marriage. All the words I have from my father, all the lessons he tried to help me learn, all the time I shared with him, all this amounts to nothing except for how I put all this into practice. That which is real reveals the truth in what is ideal - I may imagine I know what marriage is, but this ideal of what I know must daily confront the reality of my relationship with my own wife.

I write this because I want to teach others what is true. I want my words to be backed up by whatever works in my own marriage. Perhaps I'll have my wife post items on this blog as well. After all, she is the reason why I am married.

Hmmm ... telling the story of my own marriage may be the truest way of teaching Marriage and the Family as my father intended it to be taught. We'll see.