Thursday, August 28, 2008

Paradigm foundational to the understanding of LOVE

Requirements for use - Our body
Re: the Subject to the Lover - What I can get
Context of Development - Biological
Demands upon the Subject - Nothing to do
Nature - Neutral
Process - Normal
Results - Behavior alters ideas
As a Predicate eros is feeling.
Boundaries of eros set by the nervous system.
How it is measured:
Pleasant feeling
The Form Defining it:
Physiological law
Behavior of Love:
Doing what comes naturally
Morality and eros:
Knows no morality except itself

COMPONENT - philos
Requirements for use -
Expenditure of time, mutual
Re: the Subject to the Lover - What I can share
Context of Development - Social interaction
Demands upon the Subject - Must do half of interaction
Nature - Symbolic
Process - Hope of reciprocity
Results - Bonding develops
As a Predicate philos is sharing.
Boundaries of philos set mutally by friends.
How it is measured:
The Form Defining it:
Social law
Behavior of Love:
Being sociable
Morality and philos:
Moral code emerges among & is valid for those in reciprocal relationship

COMPONENT - storge
Requirements for use - Functional level of acculturation
Re: the Subject to the Lover - What I can understand
Context of Development - Cultural patterns
Demands upon the Subject - Learn what to do
Nature - Passive, Intellectual
Process - Knowledge of cultural definition
Results - Reinforces cultural norms
As a Predicate storge is knowing.
Boundaries of storge set by culture .
How it is measured:
Social norms
The Form Defining it:
Cultural law
Behavior of Love:
Knowing what is culturally acceptable
Morality and storge
determined by mores
Requirements for use - Exercise of the Will
Re: the Subject to the Lover - What I can give
Context of Development - Spiritual reconciliation
Demands upon the Subject - Everything
Nature - Initiating
Process - Rational decision to act on behalf of object
Results - Ideas modify behavior
As a Predicate agape is giving.
Boundaries of agape set by the lover.
How it is measured:
The Form Defining it:
The New Law
Behavior of Love:
Reflecting on what is Godly
Morality and agape:
The only source for an authentic morality

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