Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Maturity is a refining process

purifying us in perfect love.

Life leads one

from erotic self-centeredness

to agapic care for another.

Fully mature love

– the whole of love

that holds within itself

the experience of eros,

the mutality of philos,

the learning of storgos,

and the giving of agape

is one of many,

the manifold one.

1 comment:

Symmimex said...

My brother commented that he hears in this “Echoes of a sociology professor once at George Mason University, now in Heaven.” My response to his comment was that it would have made my life so much easier if that professorly father of ours would have written more on what he taught and published more of what he had written. He did leave me the legacy of what he taught me personally, in addition to the many tapes (yet to be transcribed) along with many pages in manuscript, lecture notes, and the final edit of his magnum opus on MARRIAGE & THE FAMILY (to which I often refer in my own teaching).

Anyone interested in graciously funding a research assistant to assist my research relating to the late great professor of beloved memory?

While your at it, throw in a few bucks for developing the Tavani Center for Research in order to provide sufficient space for such research to take place.