Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Once my thoughts turned to Tine

Remembering the moment I fell in love with Tine always brings me joy. This year marks our 25th year of marriage and I am glad to celebrate by telling you this story.

I was in the Army, stationed as an officer in Germany. My duty station had a store called "Stars and Stripes," not unlike many others found on military posts around the world. There one could buy books and magazines and some other stuff as well. One afternoon - August 28th, 1984, to be exact - I was standing in the aisle of the store, as was my daily habit, with some book in hand, browsing through the pages to determine whether it was worth buying it or not. I recall, as well, the time - 3:30 p.m. - a detail that remains for me strangely significant, although I cannot tell you why.

The title of the book I have no need to call to memory for I did decide to buy it and have it here before me now - A TIME TO PLAY: ON CHILDHOOD AND CREATIVITY. Each anecdotal chapter told some story illustrating something about parents helping children play to let them "be and become all their Creator intended." One chapter in particular captured my own imagination; it was entitled "Daddy's Home!" Reading every word right to the chapter's end incited something thrilling deep inside my soul, especially the last few sentences: "Ours is a true collaboration: These are our children; we both contribute to their lives. What we give to them are gifts to each other. The proclamation 'Daddy's home!' sends spirits soaring - and none, I avow, higher than mine!"

Way back then the thrill was somewhat chilling because I knew I was not yet faithfully mature enough to have the intimate relationship promised in those words. Yet, even now those words still thrill me, shivering my soul. I was sure I wanted to be a father in the future, but I knew I must learn to be a husband first. Standing there I thought how wonderful it would be to be a father, hearing my children shout with joy when I came home. That happy thought came first, immediately after reading, and then the thought that came next was this, "Tine would be a wonderful mother."

In that very moment, I knew I was in love. No other name cluttered my imagination, only hers. Not that there were no others - no, there were many, many other names that could have competed for my attention and would continue to haunt my fickle thoughts until I learned, in time, to love. Yet no other names had come to mind just then as I considered having children of my own. Only Tine. Once my thoughts turned to Tine, my life then turned as well.

1 comment:

Symmimex said...

by Miriam Huffman Rockness
Taylor & Francis, 1983
ISBN 0310458714, 9780310458715
